European Media Wrapper Round Table II

EMWRT II (Paris 2007)

While the European public authorities are planning establishing Audio-Visual Conservation Centres and focus their IST-7 call on promoting projects on the preservation and valorisation of the audio-visual assets, the board of TITAN has decided to organise a second “Wrapper Round Table”in Paris on October 25 at TV5 International premises.

Realising the exchanges requires the physical or logical wrapping of the essences, the metadata, the structures and the controls as to ensure a complete data model empowering the capability of various exploitations paths and the persistent archiving. The advantages, possibilities and characteristics of the approach will be presented through several projects. Some of them will introduce concrete ways of realising the SIP, DIP, AIP and P-DIP packages of the model defined by the Open Archival Information System standard.

On the programme: 

  • The analysis of the conclusions of the first European Media Wrapper Round Table, asking to the participants their comments and reactions.
  • The key aspects of the problematic.
  • The presentation of key projects involved with the modelling and exchange. In particular, TITAN is promoting its AXIS dynamics including the concept of “Autonomous Asset Entities” through the MEMORIES project leaded by one of its members MEMNON. The project is co-sponsored by the European Union (IST-6) :

Titan with the contribution of TV5, UTC Compiègne, the MEMORIES project (Memnon) and MediaNet Vlaanderen